A big thank you to our co-sponsors WuXi Biologics and Dentons, our toast provider Moutai, our keynote speakers, Minister Simon Coveney T.D., Minister Dara Calleary T.D., Ambassador He Xiangdong, our Patron Members and Guests, for coming along in such great numbers to our annual ICBA Annual Dinner, held in the Westbury Hotel on last Wednesday, 29th November 2023. What a start to the festive season!
We hope you enjoyed the event this year and had the opportunity to connect and network with friends old and new.
With over 170 people from across the Ireland-China business network in attendance, the 2023 ICBA dinner this year was our largest one to date.
You can view the photo gallery from the event by obtaining the link directly from info@irelandchina.org.